FCO by Delanchy, going beyond the regulations
We have to comply with the regulations, but we also want to offer our employees the best support throughout their careers.
FCO (Formation Continue Obligatoire – Compulsory Ongoing Training) is aimed at our drivers: ongoing training, renewed every 5 years to their knowledge on the safety features and regulations up to date.

Undertaking only compulsory training during a career may limit the interest of participants over the years. Together with our partner Forget Formation, we wanted to beyond the regulations and create “FCO by Delanchy”, offering, in addition to the compulsory part, real benefits in terms of skills development. Through the use of digital tools, this innovation provides a driving simulator that goes beyond road safety, requiring collaboration, through the joint work of participants, and promoting experience sharing.
FCO by Delanchy also includes a Hygiene and Quality module created by the Group.
For the Delanchy Group, this approach is a real investment in our drivers and also a way of sharing our business culture and our values.