Discover our commitment
Our initiatives and partnerships
Since its creation, more than 55 years ago, the Delanchy Group has looked to the oceans.
Our fresh and seafood produce transport and logistics business lines are intimately linked to the marine environment and its resources.
Transporting quality produce and preserving its freshness and authenticity is our daily mission, out of respect for our clients, consumers and producers.
However, without the seas and oceans there is nothing. Protecting the environment and its resources has become an increasingly important issue over the decades.

The Energy Observer project
The forward-looking Energy Observer project (the first vessel powered by hydrogen and renewable energies) is a technological and human adventure, an Odyssey for the future. The only one of its kind in the world, our commitment to this project goes way beyond our business and our everyday lives.
As Main Partner and Logistics Partner, the Delanchy Group has been committed to the ENERGY OBSERVER project since 2017. We believe this floating laboratory is helping to develop the energy sources of tomorrow, for buildings and means of transports, for our platforms and our trucks.
It also involves 6-year voyage around the world, travelling to meet those involved in designing the world of tomorrow, by inventing new solutions for a cleaner world, to prove that humans can live in harmony with nature and that the fight against climate change can lead the way to new economic growth.

The Megaptera Association
The Delanchy Group is using Nausicaa endowment funds to support the Megaptera Association in its whale shark research programme. This fish, which the largest in the world, is an endangered species. It is a perfect example and symbol of the major challenge we face in protecting this delicate environment.
With the tag financed by our Copromer Transports agency at Boulogne-sur-Mer, Megaptera will be able to learn more about this giant of the sea and its environment, to better understand its evolution and its movements.
The Défi Sports Solidaires Association and the ARSEP (French Association for Research on Multiple Sclerosis)
We share our human values and solidarity with our employees on a daily basis. But we needed to do more, to move outside the company to lend our support to the causes we hold dear.
Together with the ARSEP and Défi Sports Solidaires, we are proud to raise awareness of the fight against multiple sclerosis. Through sporting challenges, the association we support raises awareness of the disease and raises funds for research.
Raising awareness of multiple sclerosis among as many people as possible and supporting those with the disease in their daily fight, is a challenge we must face by also supporting volunteers and researchers.

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